Days Of Our Lives

Ciao for Now: Days of Our Lives Sends Nicole Packing Along With Holly

Days of Our Lives: Nicole Is Leaving for Italy With Holly… How Long? |

We’ve known Holly would be leaving for Italy for a little while now on Days of Our Lives. Her coma wasn’t changing and EJ had secured a spot with the same doctors that had brought him back to the land of the living. Still, there was always the chance that she’d wake up at the last minute or something would change before she left.

But perhaps we were naive to think Holly’s family would just ship the teen off by herself. After all, even Bo’s got Hope by his side in his coma and Shawn’s somewhere out there too. It would be just cruel to leave a kid alone, coma or not. So while it made sense, we were still a bit surprised that on Days of Our Lives’ Friday, January 19 episode, Nicole left for Italy with her daughter! But is this it?

Days of Our Lives: Nicole Is Leaving for Italy With Holly… How Long? |

After all soap opera comas can often be a kiss of death for characters, especially once they’re shipped out of town. In daytime, out of sight tends to be out of mind. But Nicole going with Holly may actually be a good thing. We’ve gotten no indication that Arianne Zucker is going anywhere and writing Nicole out now of all times while she’s in the midst of two huge storylines with her kids would be practically unprecedented.

So while she may be gone for a little while (indeed, she’s not in spoilers for next week at all), you can bet she’ll be back. And if Nicole’s off with Holly, there’s a good chance she’ll be bringing the teen home sooner than we may have feared as well. It’s not certain, but there’s still a lot of fallout left and it would be downright cruel to leave Holly unconscious and Tate trapped in rehab indefinitely.

For now, though, we may have to say goodbye to Nicole for at least a little while — which we’re sure will give an increasingly guilt-laden Sloan a bit of a break! Though she may want a word or two with Jude’s real mom after that advice about having some drinks to loosen up before dinner with Marlena went so disastrously wrong…

And if Nicole’s not gone for good, we can only imagine Zucker might appreciate at least a little break from the incredible, emotionally heavy work she’s been doing for months now. Fingers crossed we’ll be seeing Nicole and Holly back on our screens sooner, rather than later!

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