Grey Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy: Callie & Arizona Relationship Timeline, Explained

Grey’s Anatomy has had many epic romances throughout its 19 (and counting) seasons, including the up-and-down relationship between Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins, played by Sara Ramirez and Jessica Capshaw. The two doctors met in season 5, when Arizona’s character was first introduced on the ABC medical drama television series, and the rest is history. Well, it was ten seasons of dating, breaking up, getting married, having a child together, breaking up again, and so on before they finally got their happy ending (the show isn’t over yet, though).

Following the Grey’s Anatomy season 14 finale, Ramirez and Capshaw were no longer on the show and have yet to return. However, their characters had ten seasons worth of stories to tell, and those episodes were full of drama that could last hundreds of lifetimes. The good news for fans of Callie and Arizona was that their story ended with them together, but it took a while for them to get to a (conclusive) happy place.

Season 5, Episode 14 – Episode 19: After Callie & Arizona Meet & Begin Dating

The Epic Love Story of Callie and Arizona on Grey's Anatomy: A Timeline of  Passion, Heartbreak,

Callie showed up in Grey’s Anatomy season 2, episode 19, while Arizona’s first appearance was in Grey’s Anatomy season 5, episode 11. But their meeting didn’t come until a few episodes later — “Beat Your Heart Out.” Arizona comforted Callie in the bathroom at Emerald City Bar and surprisingly kissed her. However, Arizona ignored her at work since she believed Callie was inexperienced regarding relationships with women and was still figuring out her sexuality. They could not deny their attraction to one another for very long, though, and the two doctors began dating in episode 17 when Arizona asked Callie out on a date.

Season 5, Episode 20 – Season 6, Episode 3: Arizona Meets Callie’s Father & They Make Their Relationship Official

Callie’s father, Carlos Torres, visited her at the hospital in Grey’s Anatomy season 5, episode 20, and she told him that she was dating Arizona, essentially coming out to him. He reacted harshly to the news and refused to accept his daughter as she was. Carlos cut Callie off financially (by taking away her trust fund) and personally, which strained her relationship with Arizona. Thankfully, they came out on the other side stronger than ever. Arizona was there for Callie when George died in the season 6 premiere, and they became an official couple a few episodes later.

Season 6, Episode 4 – Episode 21: Callie & Arizona’s Relationship Grows But Faces Their First Obstacle When They Disagree About Having Children

The Epic Love Story of Callie and Arizona on Grey's Anatomy: A Timeline of  Passion, Heartbreak,
Once Callie and Arizona became official at the beginning of Grey’s Anatomy season 6, their relationship continued to get stronger. Unfortunately, they hit a rough patch when the topic of having children came up. Callie wanted to have kids, while Arizona was not interested in raising any little ones. The couple fought over their differing desires and ultimately broke up in episode 21 since they wanted different things.

Season 13, Episode 1 – Season 14, Episode 24: Callie Leaves & Arizona Decides To Join Her In New York To Rekindle Their Relationship

The Epic Love Story of Callie and Arizona on Grey's Anatomy: A Timeline of  Passion, Heartbreak,

Since Sara Ramirez’s last Grey’s Anatomy appearance was in the season 12 finale, there was little to no movement in her and Arizona’s relationship in season 13. However, when Jessica Capshaw decided to leave the ABC medical drama show in season 14, the writers decided to give the couple a happy ending. During the Grey’s Anatomy season 14 finale, Arizona moved to New York to be closer to Callie and Sofia, and it was implied that Callie and Penny broke up, which opened the door for Callie and Arizona to reconcile.



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